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Addr:No.55.Changshun Road, Shamen, Yuhuan, Zhejiang, China
Airbag Shock Absorber
ADD airbag shock absorber is mounted with the telescopic valve in front of the working cylinder, rolling on the double shells outside the working cylinder, and is used for the purpose of position fixation and limitation. Compressibility of the airbag can be used for balancing the compression and extension damping force. The consistency of shock absorber’s damping force is good; and the applicable adjusting range of damping force is wide.
ADD airbag shock absorber is mounted with the telescopic valve in front of the working cylinder, rolling on the double shells outside the working cylinder, and is used for the purpose of position fixation and limitation. Compressibility of the airbag can be used for balancing the compression and extension damping force. The consistency of shock absorber’s damping force is good; and the applicable adjusting range of damping force is wide.
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Addr:No.55.Changshun Road, Shamen, Yuhuan, Zhejiang, China
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